Patron's Message

My siblings and I grew up in a caring and loving environment that let us explore our potential, discover opportunities, ourselves, received career guidance that suited our personal needs, and allowed us to follow our hearts and develop – unlike most people in the local community I grew up – pregnant women had to walk long distances to fetch a few gallons of drinking/ cooking water, poor housing, lack of food, basic education – the show is long and symptomatic of a macrocosm marked by denial of the life’s basics.

My parents were always involved in community activities that got me to realize how privileged we were, since I was 10 years old, I was always cognizant of this fact. and this is how I was introduced to the idea of helping others, giving me the opportunity to become who I am today – pursing work to benefit others, to contribute to the development of the community, starting from the area who saw me begin my journey.

I always hoped to improve the living conditions of the poorest people, most importantly improving their environment. I believe that everything is linked, the populations we live amongst and it is always where the environment is the most degraded that one finds the biggest misery, thus sustainable actions of the Diana Ka Foundation, whose activities are mostly on sustainable development.

Across my entire career, I always search for an opportunity to give back, to make a difference in people’s life, to empower them. That is why I started Diana Ka Foundation, and no surprise that a symbol of it became empowering communities. A symbol of inspiration, creativity and passion. Passing it along to others empowering Uganda for a better life.With this course, I forged a central belief in my commitment to others, children, and women specifically to give them reasons to dream and achieve opening them to new horizons.

As a Member of Parliament and Minister of the Vice Presidency, I have the privilege to travel around the country to oversee community development projects, health, education, rural roads, while funded by development partners and the Ugandan government. The lesson of all my work is a call to get involved in my community, to fulfill my destiny.

God Bless you!

Hon. Min. Diana Mutasingwa – Patron, Diana Ka Foundation